What of Our Days?
Along the years, we learn a few things. And many times, it is during those quiet moments when we reflect on where we are, and where we hope to be.
In our quiet moments, we ask ourselves some tough questions. And when we search our heart, how do our daily actions impact whatever we hoped for? How will we create the memory of our next moment that will last for an eternity? Will what we do diffuse our honest intent? Down deep within that secret place within our soul, we understand that our time, our life, is a valuable asset. And our time in this portion of eternity, is worthy of consideration.
We don’t know how much or how little time we have. All we know for certain is that the supply of our time is limited. It is worthy of our future to honestly evaluate how we are using our days, our hours, our minutes. Are we just marking time, or are we truly applying our heart being purposeful and worthy of our days.
With our goals and priorities firmly in mind, it is more likely we can avoid getting caught up in unessential things, and use whatever time focused on what is truly important to us. Now, to be honest, unwanted, unhelpful things entering our lives are natural. Each of us face setbacks, added obligations, diversions, projects and preoccupations. Still, we owe it to ourselves to use our quiet moments reassessing where we are, where we hope to be, and what we need to do to stay on that path.
Every management system devised is based on assessing variances, and adjustment. Whether it be the temperature of your home, the care of our garden, our finances, our relationships, our governance, our family, our every decision is based on a setpoint, and how to adjust variances toward that setpoint; how to make corrections; how to best use our time.
Whatever principles we hold at our core, our very soul, are truly our setpoints in this portion of life. And just as we recognize discomfort, and adjust the temperature setpoint in our home, we learn immutable truths through worthy use our time. And the result is that we become more wise. We adjust our setpoints, and refine our control systems to find joy; and happiness is the result of that joy. And so, it may be important to fall in love with the moment, the feeling, the experience, the joy in learning how to use your time in this portion of your eternity.