Allow yourself to laugh, and when you do, share your laughter.
Allow yourself to learn, and when you do, learn all you can.
Allow yourself to be positive, and when you do, life will get easier for everyone.
Allow yourself to love, and when you do, life will become more loving.
Allow yourself to be happy, and when you do, it influences others in a positive way.
Allow yourself to lend a helping hand, and when you do, you enrich life around you.
Allow yourself to relaxation, and when you do, you will find new ideas and solutions.
Allow yourself to dream, and when you do, dream big.
Allow yourself to be determined, and when you do, protect whatever is good and positive.
Allow yourself to set goals, and when you do, move in earnest toward them.
Allow yourself to believe in yourself, and when you do, you’ll find self confidence.
Allow yourself to believe in those who gave you life, and those who give it meaning, and when you do, you will learn respect.